
Operation of the service


For the sake of transparency towards users and in accordance with our legal obligations related to Decree No. 2016-505 of April 22, 2016 relating to information obligations on online comparison sites, https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr /affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000032447402&categorieLien=id

Below you will find information and details of how our site works

Terms and definitions

The company {mc-legal_name}, hereinafter referred to as “The Publisher”

You, hereinafter referred to as “The User”

Companies that own and operate dating sites whose offers are presented on the site, hereinafter referred to as “Partner”


Ranking criteria used: The ranking of partner service offersis established on the basis of their popularity, quality, number of members, the technical features of the services offered, audience, reputation for seriousness and the amount of remuneration. perceived from the Publisher by the partner.

Is there a contractual relationship or capitalistic links between the Publisher’s site and the Referenced Partners? The Publisher has no capital ties, has no financial interests, holdings or shares in the partner companies of whose offers are presented on the site. The Publisher is a completely independent company and manages its referencing with complete freedom. The Publisher has a contractual relationship with its Partners who pay it.

Is there a remuneration from the Partners including the referenced offers  and what is the impact of the remuneration on the ranking of the offers? Yes, the Publisher is paid by its partners when the User comes into contact with the Partner or when the user subscribes to a subscription, to a subscription, to an account opening contract with the partner. The classification of offers does not depend solely on the remuneration received, and is carried out according to the classification criteria mentioned above.

What is the detail of the components of the price of the offers and the possibility of additional costs being added? The price of the service is the constituent element of the subscription, contract or subscription. Each partner defines its pricing policy and modify them at any time. It is therefore potentially possible that additional charges may be added depending on the service or service options contracted.

What is the variation of commercial guarantees according to the compared services? The compared services have different levels of guarantees and services. Commercial guarantees are established by each partner according to the applicable regulations of the industry sector that govern their activities. Each offer is specific and unique to each Partner. To this end, the variation in commercial guarantees can be viewed on the Partner’s site by clicking on “Visit the site” or when the User receives a personalized service offer from the Partner.

Is the nature of the service offers compared and the number of sites or companies referenced exhaustive? The offers presented on the site do not represent all of the internet dating service offers available on the French market. The Publisher endeavors to present and reference only quality dating services known for their reliability.

Frequency and method of updating the compared offers:The update frequency of the offers presented varies according to the communication by the Partners of the changes made to their offers. Upon receipt from the partner of any change in their offers; they are updated within 48 hours, excluding weekends. The updating method is carried out by the editorial team and the Account Manager team upon receipt of information from the partner. They upload this information to each Partner file. The Publisher informs the user that, despite our responsiveness to updating the information on the site, a delay of two days to a maximum of 4 working days is still possible. It is recommended that the user always refer to the Partner site before entering into a contractual relationship with the latter.